
Biological Profile Module

The Biological Profile Module in Skeleton-ID facilitates the detailed analysis of an individual’s sex, age, height, and populational affinity. This module enables experts to estimate the biological profile by analyzing data and images.

Biological Profile Applications

The estimation of the biological profile has diverse applications in human identification, including:

Experts choose the appropriate method based on the specific bone and the individual’s age range (adult/subadult).

Estimation by Classical

This section enables experts to input data obtained from various biological profile estimation methods. The software then displays the estimation range for age, sex, or height, facilitating quick and efficient estimations. It also enables the expert to manually input their final decision on each parameter taking into consideration the different methods applied.

Pubic symphysis age estimation method

Brooks, S., Suchey, S. (1990). Skeletal age determination based on the os pubis: a comparison of the Acsádi-Nemeskéri and Suchey-Brooks methods, Hum. Evol., vol. 5, pp. 227–238.

Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis

Iscan M.Y., Loth S.R., Wright R.K. (1984), Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: white males, Journal of forensic sciences 29 (4) 1094–1104.

Iscan M.Y., Loth S.R., Wright R.K (1985). Age estimation from the rib by phase analysis: white females. Journal of forensic sciences, 30(3), 853-863.

Observations on teeth roots in the estimation of age

Lamendin, H., Baccino, E., Humbert, F. J., Tavernier, J. C., Nossintchouk, R. M., Zerilli, A. (1973). A simple technique for age estimation in adult corpses: the two criteria dental method’, J. Forensic Sci., vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 1373–1379.

Mendoça Functions for the height estimation

Mendonça, M.C. (1998). Contribución para la identificación humana a partir del estudio de las estructuras óseas: Determinación de la talla a través de la longitud de los huesos largos, Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Madrid.

Discriminant Functions of Murail for the sex estimation

Murail, P., Brůžek, J., Houët, F., & Cunha, E. (2005). DSP: a tool for probabilistic sex diagnosis using worldwide variability in hip-bone measurements. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP, 17(17 (3-4)), 167-176.

For more information on these methods, you can consult our quick guides, which also provide access to the original articles referenced.

Estimation by
AI-based methods

Skeleton-ID also allows the estimation of sex and age through images. These tool, which is currently available free of charge, integrate the use of AI applied to medical imaging and allow the expert to make a faster and more objective decision.

Sex estimation using the humerus

This tool based on deep learning-based method allows experts to estimate the sex of an individual from a photograph of the posterior view of the distal epiphysis of the humerus.